high-frequency gravitational waves


Outline of Lecture Delivered to


The Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA)

Gauching, Germany, May 9, 2002, 1530-1700





The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)

Genoa, Italy, May 28, 2002, 1000-1130


(Robert M. L. Baker, Jr., PhD)


1. Introduction:


                Good Day.  I’m Robert Baker and today I am going to deliver a lecture to you concerning an exciting new concept: the generation, detection and utilization of high-frequency gravitational waves          (HFGW). This is the clarion call:

                  today, we have the unique opportunity to study and utilize the gravitational-wave phenomenon predicted by Poincaré and Einstein decades ago because of recent advances in  technology.

                  today, we have the means to generate HFGW and to detect HFGW in the laboratory because of the availability of two new HFGW detectors.  And we now,

today, have the motivation to apply HFGW to communication, space propulsion, imaging and, in general, the motivation for the laboratory study of HFGW!


But first, allow me to tell you a bit about myself and how my interest in HFGW developed:


In the 1950s, I co-authored a paper on gravitational dynamics entitled “Satellite Librations”.  I had just received my Ph.D. at UCLA in Engineering with specialization in Astronomy (UCLA termed it an “Aerospace” degree) and I was appointed to the faculty of the Astronomy Department and later the Engineering Department as Lecturer and Assistant Professor.  In the 1960s, I became the Head of a Lockheed laboratory and a Dr. Robert Forward contacted me regarding my Satellite Librations paper.  He was interested in something called “gravitational waves” and his Ph.D. thesis was the design of a resonance device developed by a Joseph Weber called the “Weber Bar”.  I invited Dr. Forward to deliver a lecture to my staff and was intrigued with the possibility of sensing low-frequency (LF) gravitational waves (GW) with frequencies on the order of a kHz or less using the Weber Bar. I was also intrigued by the possibility of generating high-frequency (HF) gravitational waves (GW) exhibiting frequencies of a GHz or more. At the time, however, I saw no practical means to generate the HFGW. Recently, my interest in HFGW has been rekindled and I presented a paper on the subject in 2000 to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics or AIAA  (included as Attachment 3 to this lecture). I will commence my remarks with a literature survey.


2. Literature Survey:

                I preface my remarks by noting that in the 1960s to 1980s there was considerable skepticism concerning the existence of gravitational waves and consequently little attention was paid to the literature concerning the laboratory generation of GW. In what follows, I list the various publications by date and include several in the Attachments – it should be recognized, however, that there may well be more publications than those that I have uncovered. There is ample evidence, as seen below, that the laboratory generation of gravitational waves has been thoroughly studied by dozens of scientists and many of the devices suggested are both feasible and practical if we take advantage of recently developed technology.


1960:     Weber, “Detection and generation of gravitational waves.” Suggests the use of piezoelectric  crystals to generate 1039 more GW power than could be generated by a rapidly spinning rod.


1962:  Gertsenshtein, “Wave resonance of light and gravitational waves.”  This one-and-one half page note suggests the conversion of light into HFGW-- “Gertsenshtein Waves”.


1964:  Halpren and Laurent, “On the gravitational radiation of microscopic systems.” The possibility of increasing HFGW flux by stimulated emission (“gaser”) is discussed and “... the maximum of the gravitational radiation occurs in a direction from which the corresponding electromagnetic (EM) radiation is excluded.”


1966:     Forward and Miller, “Generation and detection of dynamic gravitational-gradient fields.” Concerned with oscillating gravitational gradients such as those that were the subject of Dr. Klemperer and my earlier paper on satellite librations.


1968: Halpern and Jouvet, “On the stimulated photon-graviton conversion by an electromagnetic field.” They questioned whether gravitational forces can produce GW (only non-gravitational forces may generate GW they thought), “... electromagnetic (EM) field enhances the emission of gravitational bremsstrahlung  photons ... such effects are however below the threshold observability in all (using 1968 technology) empirically known cases.” Attachment 4 to these lecture notes.


1969: Weber, U.S. Patent 3,722,288 alluded to a piezoelectric-crystal HFGW generation without significant attendant EM radiation.


1974:   Grishchuk and Sazhin, “Emission of gravitational waves by an electromagnetic cavity.” according to Weiss was “... only a factor of 100,000 from being feasible.”  Thousands of “... such cavities” were ganged together to produce GHz HFGW; but deemed too weak (using 1973 technology). Attachment 5.


1975:  Sekie, et al, “GW generation from an array of Cds plates.” This paper was computationally flawed and the calculation and design were significantly in error.


1978:  Rudenko and Braginsky, “Hertz-type gravitational wave generator.” Suggested a possible GW laboratory experiment with 10 MHz HFGW. Calculated it could generate 10-18 [watts].


1981: Romero and Dehnen, “Generation of gravitational radiation in the laboratory.” A long row of piezoelectric crystal oscillators (10,000) is utilized to produce coherent HFGW (up to GHz frequencies) in a 20 degree “.... needle radiation” forward beam without significant associated EM emissions; but “... may be under the observational limit.” On the other hand, from their equation (A.11) if utilized more and closer spaced crystals and THz frequencies, then  the radiated energy climbs to much  more than 10-9 [watts] and is probably observable! Attachment 6 to these lecture notes.


1988:  Pinto and Rotoli, “Laboratory generation of gravitational waves?”  They suggested three classes of HFGW generators: (1) EM stress-energy field, (2) HF electrical oscillations for acoustical stress or mechanical stress energy, and (3) array (linear) of such sources.  500 MHz and Germanium crystals are utilized. They conclude that HFGW “... seems to be conceivable... but very difficult to concretize....”  They predict little or no excessive EM to be generated. 


1991: Pia Astone, et al., “Evaluation and preliminary measurement of the interaction of dynamical gravitational near field with a cryogenic gravitational-wave antenna.”  High-rpm (approximately 30,000) rotor about 1 kHz.  They couldn’t control the detector frequency and the results were inconclusive.  Actually, they were not producing GW but rather an oscillatory gravitational field – the generation of GW from rotors is not possible since for any significant GW flux the rotor would break due to centrifugal force.


1991:  John D. Kraus, “Will gravity-wave communication be possible?” Describes a gravitational –wave generator in which an electromagnetic pulse is introduced into a toroidal cavity at its resonance frequency to produce a very small phase shift that distorts the medium in the toroid i.e., the pulse causes “physical motion of submicroscopic particles” or a jerk.


1997:   Argyris and Ciubotariu, “A proposal of new gravitational experiments.” Their experiments concern the simulation of accelerations produced by a wave of gravity, a source of HFGW, a direct-current gravitational machine, materials with high gravitomagnetic permeability (the “gravitational superconductor”) and the possibility of attenuation of gravitational attraction..


1998: Fontana, “A possibility of the emission of high frequency gravitational radiation from junctions between d-wave and s-wave superconductors.” Gigahertz frequencies would be expected.  He extends  Halpern and Laurent’s work.  His proposed device involves strong magnetic coupling and high temperature superconductors (HTSC). Attachment 7 to these lecture notes.


2000: Baker, AIAA paper ... jerk formulation and many alternative means and devices for generating HFGW are described.  This paper is Attachment 3 to these lecture notes. The more than one-watt-per- square-meter HFGW flux generated (page 29 of the paper) should be sensed by spacetime-curvature, piezoelectric-crystal-array, GW-to-EM conversion, and/or gravity-modification detectors.  The devices discussed in the paper are protected under U. S. Patents 6,417,597 and 6,160,336 and patents pending.


2001: Portilla and Lapiedra, “Generation of high frequency gravitational waves.”  References Gertsenshtein’s work and relies on an electric charge shaken (jerked) in a homogeneous stationary magnetic field -- suggested that it is promising. Attachment 8 to these lecture notes.


2002:     Raymond Chiao, “Superconductors as transducers and antennas for gravitational and electromagnetic radiation.” Describes an experiment at UC Berkeley in which he will try to convert electromagnetic waves into controlled gravitational waves inside a device in which the circuit is poised to go from a normally conducting state to a superconducting state. Electrons near the surface of the superconductor move (are jerked) and generate the gravitational waves. He indicates that the energy will be divided evenly between GW and EM radiation. Attachment 9 to these lecture notes.


              Please note that a librating-mass-produced oscillation (periodic, time-varying change) in a classical “gravitational field” (like tidal changes) is not a quadrupole-produced “gravitational wave” in the spacetime continuum. As an example, a rapidly rotating neutron star generates significant gravitational waves, but no appreciable oscillations in its gravitational field. On the other hand, a mass dipole generates no gravitational waves (please see, for example, Weber {1964}), but does generate oscillations in its gravitational field or “waves of gravity”, which perturb other masses and have tidal influence. An electrically charged dipole will produce electromagnetic (EM) waves, however.

3. Jerk Formulation of the Quadrupole Equation (Sophomore Physics)


There is no new Physics here, simply a different approach or formulation to render engineering applications more apparent.

As is well known and noted specifically in a letter to me from Dr. Geoff Burdge, Deputy Director for Technology and Systems of the National Security Agency, “Because of symmetry, the quadrupole moment can be related to a principal moment of inertia, I, of a three-dimensional tensor of the system and … can be approximated by


-dE/dt »  -G/5c5 (d3I/dt3)2  = - 5.5x10-54 (d3I/dt3)2.”                                                                           (1)          


In which k in Burdge’s notation is G (not, however, the Einstein tensor) and the units are in the MKS system [watts] not the cgs and the two sides of the equation are essentially the same.  In this case, for a collection of masses like a rim around a pivot,


       I  = dm r2    [kg-m2],                                                                                                                        (2)


                dm = mass of an individual magnetic sites around the rim [kg], and

                  r = the distance from a pivot out to any single dm on the rim [m] (or more exactly, the radius of gyration of the rim). Thus


d3I/dt3  =  dm d3r2/dt3 = 2rdmd3r/dt3 +…                                                                                                                                            (3)                                                                                                                                        

and d3r/dt3 is computed by noting that by Newton’s second law of motion


                2rdm d2r/dt2  =  2rfr   [N-m]                                                                                                   (4)


where fr = radial force on dm . The derivative is approximated by


                d3I/dt3  @ 2r Dfr/Dt ,                                                                                                                              (5)


in which Dfr is the nearly instantaneous increase in the force on magnetic sites, dm, caused by the magnetic field of current-carrying coils when they are turned on and off or pulsed by transistors or ultra-fast switches, that is, a jerk.  In this regard, the coils on any given rim segment are sequenced radially outward (at the local GW speed, say the speed of light) in order to generate or build up the train of coherent HF gravitational waves as they move through the energizable magnetic sites.  In order not to build up acceleration the jerks are reciprocating; but due to the square in the kernel of the quadrupole equation, the GW radiates in both directions along the axis of the jerk no matter which direction the masses are jerked. In summary


                P = - 1.76x10-52 (2rDfr/Dt)2    [watts].                                                                                   (6)


Alternately, from Eq. (1), p. 90 of Joseph Weber, one has for Einstein's formulation of the gravitational-wave (GW) radiated power of a rod spinning about an axis through its midpoint having a moment of inertia, I [kg-m2], and an angular rate, w [radians/s] (please also see, for example, pp. 979 and 980 of Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, in which I in the kernel of the quadrupole equation also takes on its classical-physics meaning of an ordinary moment of inertia):


                P =   32GI2 w6 /5c5     =   G(Iw3)2/5(c/2)5 [watts]                                                  (7)



                P =  1.76x10-52(Iw3)2 =  1.76x10-52(r[rmw2]w)2      [watts]                                                    (8)                                          

where [rmw2]2 can be associated with the square of the magnitude of the rod’s centrifugal-force vector, fcf, for a rod of mass, m, and radius of gyration, r. This vector reverses every half period at twice the angular rate of the rod (and a component’s magnitude squared completes one complete period in half the rod’s period). Thus the GW frequency is 2w and the time-rate-of-change of the magnitude of, say, the x-component of the centrifugal force, fcfx is


                Dfcfx/Dt   µ   2fcfxw.                                                                                                                               (9)                                                                                                                          

(Note that frequency, u = w/2p.)  The change in the centrifugal-force vector itself (which we call a “jerk” when divided by a time interval) is a differential vector at right angles to fcf and directed tangentially along the arc that the dumbbell or rod moves through. Equation (6), like Eqs. (7) and (8), are approximations and only hold accurately for r << lGW and for speeds of the GW generator components far less than c.  Please see, for example, Pais, p. 280.

                Equation (8) is the same equation as that given for two bodies on a circular orbit on p. 356 of Landau and Lifshitz (I=mr2 in their notation) where w = n, the orbital mean motion.

Equation (9) substituted into Eq. (8) with rmw2      ­associated with Dfcf   yields



                P =  1.76x10-52 (2rDfcf  /Dt)2,                                                                                                  (10)



where (2rDfcf  /Dt)2 is the kernel of the quadrupole approximation equation.


                As a validation of Eq. (10), that is a validation of the use of a jerk to estimate gravitational-wave power, let us utilize the approach for computing the gravitational-radiation power of PSR1913+16.  From section 3, Eq. (2) of my AIAA paper (Attachment 3) we computed that each of the components of force change, Dfcfx,y = 5.77x1032 [N] (multiplied by two since the centrifugal force reverses its direction each half period) and Dt = (1/2)(7.75hrx60minx60sec) = 1.395x104 [s]. Thus using the jerk approach:


             P = 1.76x10-52{(2rDfcfx/Dt)2 + (2rDfcfy/Dt)2} =  1.76x10-52(2x2.05x109x5.77x1032/1.395x104)2x2

 =  10.1x1024 [watts]                                                                                                                                            (11)                                                                                                                                   

versus the result of 9.296x1024 [watts] using Landau and Lifshitz’s more exact two-body-orbit formulation given by Eqs. (1.1) and (1.2) of my AIAA paper integrated using the mean anomaly not the true anomaly. The most stunning closeness of the agreement is, of course, fortuitous since due to orbital eccentricity there is no symmetry among the Dfcfx,y components around the orbit and, as will be shown, there are errors inherent in the approximations of Eqs. (18) and (20) of my AIAA paper leading to Eq. (10). Nevertheless, since the results for GW power are so close, orbital-mechanic formulation compared to the utilization of a jerk, the correctness of the jerk formulation is well demonstrated!


There are some very sophisticated and exact computer simulations of the generation of gravitational waves (please see, for example, S. F. Ashby, Ian Foster, James M. Lattimer, Norman, Manish Parashar, Paul Saylor, Schutz, Edward Seidel, Wai-Mo Suen, F. D. Swesty, and Clifford M. Will (2000), “A Multipurpose Code for 3-D Relativistic Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Application to Coalescing Neutron Star Binaries,” Final Report for NASA CAN NCCS5-153, October 15, 30 pages). The quadrupole approximation utilized herein by me (Attachment 3 to these lecture notes) and, for example, by Romero and Dehnen (Attachment 6 to these lecture notes) are probably less exact.  On the other hand, the computer simulations are less relevant to the devices involved in the generation and detection of HFGW. These computer simulations describe GW generation by strong-field astrophysical phenomena (e.g., neutron stars, black holes, etc.), coupled spacetime and general relativistic hydrodynamic equations, and are usually restricted to gravitational forces ; not non-gravitational forces involved in laboratory HFGW generation.


A word about the word quadrupole: the basic physical process for generating a gravitational wave is the third time derivative of the motion of a mass, termed a "jerk" or Δf/Δt, where Δf is an increase in force, f, on the mass carried out over a small time interval, Δt.  As noted in Attachment 3, that physical process produces a gravitational wave with a power given by, for example, the quadrupole approximation (as originally derived by Einstein) or it could be determined directly from the special and general relativity equations (using a computer- implemented  numerical integration as, for example, discussed in. Ashby, et al (2000)). That is, the quadrupole itself is not the physical process at all, but only one means of establishing the power of the gravitational wave.  This situation is similar to Newton's Laws, which govern the physical process of planetary motion.  The effect of that motion can be computed using, for example, the two-body approximation, or it could be determined directly from the equations of motion described by Newton's Laws, using a computer- implemented numerical integration. The two-body approximation itself is not the physical law at all, but only one means of describing the resultant motion. In the case of a nuclear-reaction-generated gravitational wave, when a nuclear particle is ejected from a nucleus it is like a small rocket and there is a third time derivative of the motion of the nucleus, or a jerk, which produces a gravitational wave whose power can be estimated, for example, by quadrupole approximation.  Thus when I mention a “quadrupole-produced gravitational wave” I’m really implying the fundamental physical concept of the jerk and not the computational means for establishing the power of the gravitational wave.  As far as a harmonic motion of a mass or a pair of masses is concerned (harmonic oscillator), gravitational waves are generated.  Just as in the case of a pendulum, the usual descriptor of harmonic motion, there exists a third time derivative of the pendulum bob. It is the jerk of that bob that produces the gravitational wave, which can be estimated using a quadrupole approximation or computed exactly by means of a rather complicated solution of the equations of special and general relativity. 





. Applications


                4.1 Propulsion:

                Landau and Lifshitz (1975), in The Classical Theory of Fields, on page 349 state:  “Since it has definite energy, the gravitational wave is itself the source of some additional gravitational field... its field is a second-order effect ... But in the case of high-frequency gravitational waves the effect is significantly strengthened ...Thus it is possible to change the gravitational field near an inanimate object by means of HFGW and move it.

                Bonner and Piper (1997), in their paper entitled “The gravitational wave a rocket” state:  “Loss of mass and gain in momentum arises ... because of the emission of quadrupole or octupole GW.”  Thus, according to them, one has the potential of propelling a craft by means of GW.

                Fontana (2000), in his paper entitled “Gravitational radiation and its application to space travel” quotes theories that predict GW can be employed for propulsion, that is, the generation of space-time singularities (see also Ferrari, et al, 1988) with colliding beams of HFGW and a form of “propellantless propulsion.”  The concept is that HFGW energy beamed from off board can create gravitational distortions, that is, “Hills” and “Valleys” that the spacecraft or other vehicle is repelled by, or “falls into,” or falls toward. Again, HFGW is proposed as propulsion means!

                4.2 Communication:

                At least two HFGW detectors or “receivers” are now functional {Cruise and Ingley (2001) Attachment 1 and Gemme, Parodi, and Chincarini (2001-2002) Attachment 2} together with HFGW generators or “transmitters” (many of them have been identified earlier in this lecture) can be linked in order to carry information at high frequencies/bandwidths (THz to QHz and above – the higher the frequency the more efficient is the HFSC generation).  And, like the gravitational field itself, GW passes unattenuated through all material things and can, for example, reach deeply submerged submarines. As Thomas Prince (Chief Scientist, NASA/JPL and Professor of Physics at Caltech) recently commented: “Of the applications (of HFGW), communication would seem to be the most important. Gravitational waves have a very low cross section for absorption by normal matter and therefore high-frequency waves could, in principle, carry significant information content with effectively no absorption unlike any electromagnetic waves.” Such a HFGW communication system would represent the ultimate wireless system -- point-to-multipoint QHz communication without the need for expensive enabling infrastructure, that is, no need for fiber-optic cable, satellite transponders, microwave relays, etc.  Antennas, cables, and phone lines would be a thing of the past!



                4.3 Imaging:


                Lower diffraction for HFGW allows for imaging using the refractive properties of HTSC for use in communications and propulsion. {Such refractive properties were found by Ning Li and David G. Torr (1992).}


                Refractive properties of HTSC also open up the possibility of a HFGW Telescope.  It may be possible to intensify any anisotropic relic cosmic background features that may exist (MHz to THz) and possibly image HFGW celestial point sources such as: rapid stellar compression shock waves (jerks) and even very speculative, nearer, relic mini black holes – a candidate for Dark Matter.  Dr. John Miller, who is a professor both at the University of Oxford and the International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS), Trieste, Italy and a well-known astrophysicist who was a classmate and shared the same mentor with Stephen Hawking, made the following observations:  Before reading my paper he was quite skeptical, but now he realized that there might be a possibility of generating HFGW in the laboratory ... now he felt that this may be quite feasible. With regard to the HFGW Telescope he suggested on May 4, 2002: “It has been the fashion to look for celestial sources of rather low-frequency GW... now my eyes are opening to the possibility of celestial sources of your high-frequency GW.”

                If intervening matter between the HFGW generator and detector causes a change (even a very slight one) in HFGW polarization, diffraction, dispersion or results in extremely slight scattering or absorption, then it may be possible to develop a HFGW “X-ray” like system. It may, in fact, be possible to image directly through the Earth and view subterranean features, such as geological ones, to a sub-millimeter resolution for THz HFGW.


5.  Recommendations:


                5.1 Organize and schedule an International HFGW Working Group meeting this year (2002) in order to trade ideas, stimulate thinking, and define experimental parameters.


                5.2 Promote an experiment utilizing a three GHz HFGW (or higher frequency) generator from the list presented in the Literature Survey Section, for example a HTSC under a three GHz (or higher frequency) magnetic field, a linear array of the piezoelectric crystals under computer control, one of the devices discussed in Baker’s AIAA paper  (Attachment 3), such as the oscillatory spindle, etc. The generator should be appropriately shielded in order to prevent the emission of EM radiation from the energizing elements of the generator. In order to assure reliable and non-controversial results, two detectors, utilizing different techniques should be utilized: one being the University of Birmingham’s HFGW detector (Attachment 1) and the other being the INFN, Genoa’s HFGW detector (Attachment 2) – both tuned to 3 GHz (a frequency selected for a practical-sized HFGW detector and a one-HFGW-wavelength, 10 to 20 cm, dimensioned HTSC disk generator).


The time is right, carpe diem... seize the moment!